Hai semua...saya rasa excited sangat sebab today and tomorrow cuti:P
Seronok sangat sebab dah sebulan lebih tak pernah cuti, so....excited! Nothing more happy than be at home, with my lil' mujaheeds.
I really wanted these 2 days with my luvs one sebab hari Sabtu ni oncall. Itu sebab utama ambil cuti. I'm a bit relieve now coz my ward dah ada 3 MO's , otherwise kalau 2 orang je, we both have to take turn doing weekend rounds, so poor quality of life kan? Macammana nak function dengan baguskan..So, now its better...
Ok, back to topic. Enuff. Haritu during rounds with my consultant, we encounter one Burmase guy in his middle age presenting to hospital with a chronic diarrhea( cirit birit yang berterusan ). He is a Muslim and work in a carpet shop here in Malaysia and already been here for about 6 months. My consultant had a strong instinct this guy would have more than diarrhea and somehow ordered HIV test for him.
Its POSITIVE! Suprisingly because he DENIES any high risk behaviour such as intravenous drug abuser, social sex worker, and he is a straight man(meaning bukan homo ok...). Dia pun tak mengaku yang pernah terima darah dan dia belum kahwin lagi!
HIV dari atas langit?
My bos said:
" We are so lucky living in this country because our healthcare system has tremendous improvement. I'm not that suprise for which i knew in Burma they still recycle all the needle and syringe and even for vaccination they shared one needle for many patients because they don't have enough supply. Thats explain why such an innocent guy like him has this virus...I still remember when i was a young doctor 25 years ago, i still using the recycle syringe and needle, we don't have a choice "
Saya angguk-angguk. Betullah. So, jangan pandang rendah pada orang yang ada virus ni. Sebab orang innocent pun boleh dapat. Salah satu lagi contoh orang innocent yang dapat ni ialah isteri2 orang yang tersebut di atas. Stigma banyak sangat, banyak sangat. Tak ramai antara mereka yang dapat ni survive walaupun ada treatment untuk improve quality of life walau belum ada ubat yang boleh bagi sembuh 100%.
Masa saya posting di ward Nefrologi, ada satu patient perempuan berumur lingkungan 40-an. Kami terpaksa buat dialisis kat dia sebab kidney failure. As a routine, kita kena buat HIV and Hepatitis screening sebelum dialisis and her result came back as HIV positive! I was trembling also as i'm the one who put her line. Luckily i wore a glove(nampak sangat selalu ngelat tak mo pakai glove). She was in shock when we told her the bad news. She had no ideas where in the world she got the virus. Her husband passed away in accident 10 years back and she denied having any relationship with anybody. And of course...she was not a drug abuser. She never received any blood transfusion as well. So, our assumption is only one---her late husband might have that virus...
One more innocent people are a babies whose got the virus from their parents. Kesian kan...what to say. Its happen over and over.
Emo pula, rasa nak menangis bila tengok kanak2 yang mennghidapi virus ini.
Saya kagum dengan wanita ini
*ihsan google*
Innocent right? Semua tu ketentuan Allah..berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul.
kesian pd those yg innocent tp terpaksa menanggung derita mcm tu..tp its all Allah's doing kan, mesti ada hikmah di sebaliknya..
ya, sgt kagum...;)
hmm dapat virus dari langit ek? kalau dia innocent, maybe dia one of those share needle kat negara dia kot untuk dapat vaccination.
i kat bilik 19 :)best ek cuti 2 hari. i pun nak mintak cuti la belum beli brg baby ni.
write something in english as well...i think reading ur blog will b a fun
virus HIV tak kenal mangsa....doa agar kita semua jauh dari virus fatal tuh
ammi sara--yes, u are true, in fact dah ramai sgt orang yang baik2 dapat this virus
adia--hm, dats what we think so la, muka memang nampak innocent that guy
talktoajit--hi, nice knowing u, thanks for the suggestion, may try it and see how it goes
oo klu chronic diarrhea pun antara simptom2 HIV ya Sirna? ish ish... kesian lelaki itu... moga M'sia terus mengekalkan ciri2 keselamatan & kebersihan dlm melakukan rawatan..sgt la simpati pd mereka yg terkena virus ini hanya kerana tindakan negara mereka yg mengitar semula jarum suntikan...
itu la yg kite takutkan... takut terkena virus tu tanpa kite sedari... semoga kite sentiasa dilindungi dan dijauhkan dengan penyakit tu...
Sedih la plak baca entry ni. Teringat citer ustaz tempat kerja lama. Ada wife kena hiv dr hubby dia. Dia tanya ustaz, apa salah dia. Sebab dia dr kampung, tak bersosial, kawin pun parents yg aturkan... Elok gak sekarang ni wajib buat hiv test before kawin..
teringat masa kena cucuk BCG dulu2 masa kecik2...
misi cucuh kat api je nak 'bunuh kuman'
...lepas tu cucuk budak lain...
Salam Dr Sirna
kesian mereka yang tidak bersalah, terpaksa menghadapi penyakit ini sehingga akhir hayat. Penyakit yang tidak ada ubatnya.
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